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Forensics, Products -

The video posted by KEYT News shows a brief highlight of the event Milestone in Digital Forensics Support In a groundbreaking event that marked a new chapter in digital forensics, MOS Equipment, the manufacturer of "Mission Darkness" products, hosted a forensic equipment giveaway event at their office in downtown Santa Barbara, on January 10th, 2024. This Santa Barbara-based company, a leader in radio frequency (RF) shielding solutions, made a significant contribution to local law enforcement agencies and forensic investigators. What Was Donated? The event saw over $50,000 worth of cutting-edge digital forensics equipment being donated. This impressive array included a...

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Education, Forensics, Products -

MOS Equipment, the manufacturer of Mission Darkness faraday bags and analysis enclosures, was honored to be featured in's Evidence Management section, with a lengthy product write-up and endorsement published on November 27, 2023. We support Police1 's mission (stated below) and value the trusted information they provide to the law enforcement community. is the #1 resource for law enforcement online for one simple reason: Our mission is to help officers fulfill their mission. We provide law enforcement with the information and resources they need to better protect their communities and come home safe every day. We do this...

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Education, Products -

In today's dynamic digital landscape, staying ahead of the curve isn't just an advantage – it's a necessity. For industries that rely heavily on technology and security, such as digital forensics, the pace of change is exponential. At the forefront of this change is Mission Darkness, a brand synonymous with high-quality, military-grade device shielding products.

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Education, Privacy and Security, Products -

Unveiling the Future of Digital Security In a world dominated by wireless connectivity and digital communication, ensuring the security and privacy of our personal data has become an increasingly crucial concern. With cyber threats and data breaches on the rise, it's imperative to take proactive measures to protect your sensitive information. This is where the Mission Darkness™ Disconnect Faraday Duffel Bag steps in, revolutionizing digital protection with its ingenious removable faraday compartment pockets. Adaptability Meets Convenience The Mission Darkness Disconnect Faraday Duffel Bag is not your ordinary travel accessory—it's a powerful shield against the unseen forces of digital intrusion. This...

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Education, EMP, Products -

In today's rapidly advancing technological landscape, firearms and electronic gun components have evolved significantly. With the rise of smart scopes, e-scopes, and digital optics, shooters now have access to cutting-edge technology that enhances accuracy, ballistics, and overall shooting experience. However, this technological progress also brings with it a potential vulnerability that many gun owners may overlook – the damaging effects of electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). To address this concern, the Mission Darkness™ Dry Shield Revoke Rifle Faraday Case emerges as a game-changer. This unique rifle case is designed to shield riflescopes and electronic gun components from...

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