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Forensics, Products -

At MOS Equipment, we are committed to constantly improving the functionality and performance of our products. Our latest updates to the Mission Darkness BlockBox Lab XL are a testament to this dedication. These enhancements make investigations easier and prolong the life of the digital forensic analysis enclosure, setting us apart from competitors. Introducing the Deluxe Accessory Box One of the significant improvements we’ve made is upgrading the accessory box and the items included in the kit. The new deluxe accessory box houses a wide range of items that facilitate investigations and ensure the longevity of the BlockBox Lab XL. This...

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Forensics, Products -

We are thrilled to announce the latest innovation in digital forensics technology: the Mission Darkness™ BlockBox Lab XL with Mounted Webcam and Tablet. This new variation of the BlockBox Lab XL is designed to streamline investigations, making it the premier choice for forensic professionals. Product Page Enhanced User Experience Streamlines Investigations Unveiled at Techno Security & Digital Forensics Conference The Mission Darkness BlockBox Lab XL with Mounted Webcam and Tablet made its debut at the Techno Security & Digital Forensics Conference in Wilmington, NC on June 4, 2024. The conference, renowned for showcasing cutting-edge security and forensic technology, provided the...

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Education, Forensics, Products -

Taking Digital Forensics to the Scene: Mission Darkness™ Portable Solutions for On-Site Mobile Labs In the digital age, where electronic devices are at the core of almost every investigation, digital forensics professionals face the critical challenge of collecting and analyzing evidence while ensuring its integrity against wireless interference. Mission Darkness, a leader in signal-blocking technology, offers transformative solutions for on-the-go digital forensics investigations. Their BlockBox Lab XL and Deploy Kit 5 stand out for empowering professionals to efficiently manage digital evidence at the collection site, ensuring a seamless transition from field collection to lab analysis. BlockBox Lab XL: The Mobile...

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Education, EMP, Products -

The emergence of faraday cages as a must-have component in the construction of doomsday bunkers and safe rooms represents a fascinating intersection between survivalist philosophy and advanced technological adaptation. Traditionally, the concept of a faraday cage, an enclosure used to block electromagnetic fields, was a domain largely reserved for military applications. These protective measures were designed to safeguard sensitive equipment from the potentially devastating effects of electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) and other related disturbances. However, this once niche technology has increasingly found its way into civilian use, appealing to a broad spectrum of society—from doomsday preppers to elite billionaires. The rationale...

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Education, Prevent car theft, Products -

In recent years, an alarming trend has emerged as a significant threat to urban security and personal mobility: vehicle signal-hacking. This sophisticated form of auto theft, often involving the amplification of keyfob signals to gain unauthorized access to vehicles, has become a growing concern for cities worldwide. Amidst rising crime rates linked to such technological vulnerabilities, the importance of innovative security measures has never been more critical. Enter the Mission Darkness™ Faraday Bag for Keyfobs – a pioneering solution at the forefront of combating digital auto theft. Understanding the Threat: Keyfob Signal Hacking Recent reports have shed light on the...

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