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8 Popular Uses for Faraday Bags

Faraday bags are becoming increasingly popular as people look for ways to protect their electronic devices from radio frequency signals, electromagnetic radiation, and related threats. These bags are constructed with a conductive material that blocks electromagnetic radiation and prevents signals from entering or leaving the bag. In this blog post, we will discuss the main uses of faraday bags.

mission darkness x2 faraday duffel bag blocks wireless signals and electromagnetic radiation

1) Shielding Electronic Devices from Hacking, Tracking, and Spying

Faraday bags are commonly used to shield electronic devices from hackers who may try to intercept signals emitted by these devices. Electronic devices such as cell phones, laptops, and credit cards emit wireless signals, which can be intercepted by hackers and used to track or remotely access the device. Faraday bags provide a simple and effective solution to this problem by blocking these signals and preventing hackers from accessing your personal information. This also prevents apps and malicious entities from spying on your GPS location and activity. By using a faraday bag to store your electronic devices, you can ensure that your personal information remains secure and protected from potential cyber threats.

2) Digital Forensics

Faraday bags are commonly used in forensic investigations to preserve electronic evidence that has been collected as an integral part of an investigation. They can be used to prevent data from being altered or deleted remotely, and to prevent the accidental transfer of data from the device during transport. This is particularly important when dealing with sensitive information or evidence that needs to be preserved.

3) Military and Government Use

Faraday bags are used by military and government agencies to protect sensitive electronic devices from electromagnetic interference. This can include communication devices, GPS systems, and other equipment used in the field. Faraday bags provide a simple and effective way to protect these devices from interference, ensuring that they function as intended.

4) Personal Use and Travel

Faraday bags are also popular for personal use, especially for those who travel frequently or use electronic devices in public places. When you're traveling, your electronic devices can be vulnerable to hacking or tracking, especially when using public Wi-Fi networks or staying in hotels. Faraday bags can provide a simple and effective way to protect your personal information and prevent potential cyber-attacks. By using a faraday bag to store your electronic devices while traveling, you can ensure that your personal data remains secure and protected from potential threats. Additionally, faraday bags can be useful in everyday life, such as when you're working in a coffee shop or other public space and want to ensure that your online activity remains private.

5) EMP Protection

Faraday bags can also be used for EMP (electromagnetic pulse) protection. An EMP is a burst of electromagnetic radiation that can be caused by a nuclear explosion or a solar flare. EMPs can cause significant damage to electronic devices, rendering them useless. Faraday bags can block the electromagnetic radiation from an EMP, providing a simple and effective way to protect electronic devices from damage. It's worth noting that not all faraday bags are created equal when it comes to EMP protection, and it's important to choose a bag that is specifically designed for this purpose.

6) Keyfob Hacking Prevention

Faraday bags are also effective in preventing keyfob hacking. Keyfobs, which are commonly used to remotely lock and unlock cars, emit a signal that can be intercepted by hackers. Once intercepted, hackers can clone or amplify the signal and use it to unlock the car without the owner's knowledge or consent. Faraday bags can prevent this type of hacking by blocking the signal from the keyfob, making it impossible for hackers to intercept and clone the signal. By using a faraday bag to store your keyfob, you can ensure that your car remains secure and protected from unauthorized access. This is particularly important for high-value or luxury cars, which are often targeted by thieves. Faraday bags offer a simple and effective solution to this problem, providing peace of mind and ensuring that your car remains safe and secure.

7) EMF Radiation Blocking

Faraday bags can also be used to block EMF (electromagnetic fields) radiation emitted by electronic devices. EMFs are a form of non-ionizing radiation that can be emitted by cell phones, laptops, and other electronic devices. Some people are concerned about the potential health effects of exposure to EMFs, and may choose to use faraday bags (as well as blankets, curtains, and clothing constructed with faraday fabric) to block this radiation. Faraday bags can block EMFs by reflecting and absorbing the radiation, making it impossible for it to penetrate the bag. This can provide a simple and effective way to reduce exposure to EMFs and potentially mitigate any associated health risks.

8) Off-Grid Living

Faraday bags can be useful for those who want to go off the grid and live a self-sufficient lifestyle. In this context, faraday bags can be used to store electronic devices such as radios, GPS devices, and other communication tools to protect them from potential interference, hacking, or location tracking. For those who live in remote areas or rely on electronic communication devices as part of their off-grid lifestyle, faraday bags can provide a simple and effective way to protect their devices and ensure reliable communication. By using a faraday bag to store these devices, you can ensure that they remain operational and protected from potential interference, making it easier to live a self-sufficient lifestyle without sacrificing access to modern communication tools.


In conclusion, faraday bags offer a simple and effective way to protect electronic devices from radio frequency siganls, electromagnetic radiation, and related threats. They are used by individuals, government agencies, and forensic investigators to protect sensitive information, preserve electronic evidence, reduce exposure to EMF, and prevent device hacking, tracking, and spying. With their increasing popularity, faraday bags are becoming an essential tool for anyone concerned about their privacy and security.

Mission Darkness™ offers the largest collection of faraday bags, designed to shield a wide range of devices. The products and shielding materials used have been lab tested and certified to military standards to ensure their shielding abilities.

mission darkness faraday bags block wireless signals