Protection Against an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Is More Important Than Ever An electromagnetic pulse, referred to as an EMP, is a burst of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation that can occur naturally or be man-made. This powerful surge of energy can cause widespread damage to electronic devices, leading to permanent loss of data, malfunction, or complete failure of the affected equipment. With the increasing threat of EMP attacks and solar flares, protecting electronic devices from this harmful phenomenon is more important than ever. Faraday bags, cages, and RF shielding enclosures are simple solutions to protect against EMP damage. These enclosures are made...

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ARE YOU PREPARED FOR THE DEVASTATING EFFECTS OF AN EMP? In the case of an electromagnetic pulse (EMP), everything from electrical infrastructure on a national level to personal electronics could be destroyed. The sudden release of electromagnetic energy caused by man-made (e.g. atmospheric detonation of a nuclear weapon) or natural occurrences (e.g. geomagnetic storms) would be crippling to our survival. Although the likelihood of a severe EMP is rare, it’s a good idea to be prepared for this type of occurrence, just as you should be for all types of disasters. The easiest way to protect important electronics and survival...

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